We do have some strict criteria regarding enrolment at The Talk Shop. This is to ensure that as a team we can best meet your particular child’s needs. The criteria include:
- The child needs to be between 3 and 6 years of age
- Cognitive skills need to be within the average cognitive range
- The child needs to be independently mobile
- Speech, language and communication difficulties needs to be the child’s core problem
- The child must be able to use, or have the potential to use, oral language as their primary mode of communication
- The child needs to benefit from group instruction without an individual facilitator
- The child must be able to work independently on some classroom activities. Although one-to-one facilitation is always available should the child have difficulty with a certain task, we do not accept children who require one-to-one facilitation at all times
- The child must not be disruptive in the group situation and must be able to learn successfully in this environment
- The child must be able to access a predominantly mainstream curriculum, although it may be modified in terms of pace and content in certain instances
- Being toilet trained is not essential
Admission Selection
Following an initial interview with the parents, children undergo a play-based screening assessment to determine whether they are suitable candidates for admission to the Talk Shop. The screening assessments are done during the August school holidays and parents are notified via email if their application has been successful.
Trial Period
Children being considered for acceptance into either our Grade 00 or Grade R programme may be asked to attend a weeks trial at The Talk Shop in the third term following the play-based screening assessments. We do our utmost to ensure that this is an appropriate placement for all the children at the school and a possible trial will allow us to make the decision more easily and alternatively, make an appropriate referral for a more suitable placement.
You can apply using the form below or download the application form here.